Part 1: Epilog

Having survived the abandoned mine and ancient Dwarven city, defeating The Watcher's guardian and meeting The Watcher, the party journeys to the coastal city of Luskan to meet with the mysterious benefactor that has been supporting the archaeological team headed by Theodore and Gertranya. On arrival in Luskan, the party is informed that they will not be meeting with this mysterious benefactor as he wishes to remain anonymous. However, The Benefactor (as the party has taken to calling him) offers the party 1000 gold per week to essentially be at his beck and call, performing security duties for caravans, providing muscle at one or more of the taverns he owns, and generally standing in corners looking mean.

While the party is acting as paid muscle for The Benefactor, Theodore has been asked to return to The Watcher's library and begin translating the works he finds there, searching for references to something called "the conduit" with the goal of discovering where it may be located. For now, all the party can do is bide their time and fatten their money pouches by looking mean and occasionally knocking heads.

The Story
Part 1, epilog
The Watcher's Journal, part 1